Commercial kitchen space available in Middlebury

A 7500 sq. ft. commercial kitchen space in Middlebury will be available for rent as of November 1.

Landlord Tony Neri has years of food business experience and is interested in seeing this space utilized and occupied by another food-based business or multiple businesses asap. The USDA kitchen space is currently being rented by NPC Processing and since they have built a new and fantastic facility in South Burlington, they are vacating this location on Exchange Street in Middlebury by November 1. The space is 7500 sq. feet including 2500 sq feet of storage space (freezer and a cooler). The remaining 5000 sq feet is all cooking space, with some equipment possibly available to the new business.

There has been some interest by an established VT food business in a portion of this space, but not likely a need for the entire square footage. Therefore, there is potential to incubate numerous food businesses in this space if the interest exists.

If you are a farm or food business in need of cooking, processing or storage space, please contact Tony Neri at 388-4831.


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